Book review - The 17 Day Diet : A Doctor's Plan Designed for Rapid Results

08/04/2011 19:17


The 17 Day Diet : A Doctor's Plan Designed for Rapid Results

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If you need to shed pounds fast and in a safe and effective way, this book is for you! Unlike many diet programs that starve you down to size, Dr. Mike Moreno's 17 Day Diet relies on proven methods to help you take the weight off and keep it off. His revolutionary program adjusts your body metabolically so that you burn fat, day in and day out. Each 17 day Cycle "Accelerate, Activate, Achieve and Arrive" changes your calorie count and the foods you eat. This variation that Dr. Mike coined as "body confusion" keeps your metabolism guessing, and you can expect to lose up to 10 to 12 pounds in the first 17 days! As an added bonus, the 17 Day Diet includes sample meal plans and a recipe section filled with tasty, easy and healthy food options. Whether you need to lose those last 10 pounds or drop 10 dress sizes, the 17 Day Diet is the perfect jump-start to a healthier, thinner you!

The 17 Day Diet 

Buyer Reviews

By Eco-Friendly Feng Shui Designer

The 17 Day Diet will help you lose weight. What I like is that Dr. Michael Moreno provides a diet with enough options to make it doable. because, let's face it--most diets work--if you can follow them without wanting to kill yourself from boredom.

The doctor claims that by mixing up the types of foods you eat, your body is tricked into metabolizing more efficiency. I don't know if this is true or just some diet B.S...but I do know the recipes and menus provided are wholesome and tasty. Get rid of the junk--refined carbs, sugar, etc--eat only healthy and nutritious food. Basically, most dietitians and anyone else with a clue will tell you this...nothing earthshattering about this information. But it is true and it works.

I picked this book because I wanted to lose 20 pounds and needed some motivation and some fresh recipes to try. How easy or difficult this book is to follow may depend on how foreign or familiar the guidelines are. If you are used to processed foods, heavy on refined carbs, this diet will be a big adjustment. However, if you already eat natural, unprocessed food, this should be pretty easy to follow.

The idea is to lose lots of weight quickly in order to stay motivated. I liked that. However, if you want a glass of wine or beer, the doctor says, you can do so--just understand it will take a little longer to lose weight.

Moreno also advocates a 17 minute workout plan to help lose weight. (The number 17 is a bit annoying to me....a VERY popular trend in books these days is to slap a number into the title...)

It takes motivation to stick to a diet--motivation and an interesting food plan. Moreno does a decent job of providing both in his book. I also recommend getting your home and office in shape to help motivate and just feel good about yourself. Can't explain it, but as a designer for my clients (and for myself), I have helped many people stick to their weight loss plans by helping them fix up their homes. I have discovered that when your home is neat and organized and feels and looks good, it is much, much easier to stick to a diet plan. Try any book by Peter Walsh for clutter and HARMONIOUS ENVIRONMENT: Beautify, Detoxify & Energize Your Life, Your Home & Your Planet for your home and yourself. (Imagine...a new body and home for 2011!!!)


By Chevypower

Well the book promises three things.

1. I won't get sick of this diet. (I'm certainly not) - though I admit at times I want chocolate or ice-cream or something, but the author promises by stage 4, I can have some of my treats again on occasion.
2. I won't be left hungry. (this is very true)
3. I will lose 1-2 pounds a day immediately: very true, and I will elaborate.

I'm a 5'8'' male, age 31. The last couple of years I crept up over the 200 lb mark, and I really feel I should be around 160. I weighed in at the doctors office two weeks ago at 212lb! The book had arrived, we (my wife and I) were just going to enjoy Christmas and New Years Eve without being on the diet.
I have weighed myself every day (except the first day) of the diet, at the same time, before breakfast for consistent results.
Day 2, I weighed in at 204-point-something. I feel it is right for me to assume I was AT LEAST 206 on day one - though I wish I had weighed in for accuracy.
I am writing this at work, and my results are at home, but every day showed a weight loss, most days were at least one pound. There were two days of just under a pound.
Today is Day 8, and I weighed in at 196.4.
The book instructs to do 17 minutes of walking per day (or the workout video). We have missed about 3 days of doing this - and still got good results. I'm sure they would be better if I did it every day. But the fact is, 50% of those people at the gym right now going every day, won't even be there in February! I also haven't tried green tea as was strongly suggested in the book.

Look, the book works - anyone who says it's a scam hasn't even bought the book, let alone tried to follow the instructions in it. Probably looking for an excuse to keep drinking 44oz sodas, and eat fast food every day. Tell yourself it's a scam so you don't feel so bad about not dieting. Maybe they are trying to sell their own diet plan and jealous this one is getting so much attention- either way, if you are serious about losing weight, and keeping it down with a long term strategy, starting right now, this book is for you. If you are looking for dramatic results immediately, maybe do the HCG diet for a month and then move on to this one straight away.

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